Today kicked off with CriblCon 2024. The scalability of the fleet (agents) was a hot topic – imagine up to 250k agents! They showcased a live demo of AI support for searches and dashboards. We saw Fast Search, reduced resource consumption of Stream under Windows, new data source integrations, SaaS on Azure (not just AWS anymore), and data lake advancements. And that was just a snippet of what was shown. This startup is developing quickly and expanding. For an outsider, it’s not always 100% clear where Cribl is headed. They’re dancing at many weddings. Too many? Or maybe world domination is just around the corner?

After the keynote, there were more sessions. They were quite interesting.

Later in the afternoon, Lukas arrived. We then headed to the Sphere with Splunk Switzerland and a few Splunk customers. That’s the big dome thing in Vegas. We were in section 208. The seats were great, and the video experience was phenomenal. Definitely worth it if you’re in Vegas.

We wrapped up with a visit to the Delmonico Steakhouse. It was delicious but also sinfully expensive.