I’m I often can’t properly unwind anymore. It’s almost like I have to ‘focus’ on relaxing – as crazy as that sounds.

I haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD, but short breaks don’t help much either. I get more easily irritated and more often have the fear of missing out (FOMO).
I guess some of you know it too: you start a game, but after 30 minutes, you feel like doing something else. Then you put on a movie or a show, but that doesn’t hold your attention for long either. So you end up jumping from one source of entertainment to the next. It works fine in an encapsulated environments like in the cinema, but less so on the couch. Even on short vacation, I find it hard to unwind – always online, always new ideas, always undone work in my head.
Once, I tried to relax on the beach, but instead of enjoying the waves, I kept wondering how many emails I had. Or the time I went hiking and couldn’t stop thinking I was missing the perfect Instagram post.
Maybe these are the ‘side effects’ of our fast-paced, stressful, and information-overloaded world. It’s really a shame.